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  • Contagion was inevitable with such a large army closely confined in pestiferous surroundings, the comings, goings, spewings, and brawlings of thousands of men, horses, mules, and oxen trod everything into mud, and their litter and foul runoff attracted hordes of fleas and mosquitoes.

    ‘The State of Jones’ 2009

  • They seldom or neuer fall out among themselues, and, as for fightings or brawlings, wounds or manslaughters, they neuer happen among them.

    The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini 2004

  • But we found upon advancing farther, that Dover was overflowed — many of the houses were overthrown by the surges which filled the streets, and with hideous brawlings sometimes retreated leaving the pavement of the town bare, till again hurried forward by the influx of ocean, they returned with thunder-sound to their usurped station.

    The Last Man 2003

  • They seldom or neuer fall out among themselues, and, as for fightings or brawlings, wounds or manslaughters, they neuer happen among them.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • Thus, "the south alley for usurye, and poperye; the north for simony and the horse fair; in the middest for all kinds of bargains, meetings, brawlings, murthers, conspiracies; and the font for ordinary paiements of money, are so well knowne to all menne as the beggar knows his dishe."

    The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 341, November 15, 1828 Various

  • But all of these quarrelings and brawlings were hushed and forgotten when in September, 1711, the awful tragedy of the Tuscarora Massacre occurred.

    In Ancient Albemarle Catherine Albertson 1938

  • I seemed to see fierce brawlings and sackings in progress in this very garden.

    Love Among the Chickens A Story of the Haps and Mishaps on an English Chicken Farm Armand [Illustrator] Both 1928

  • Unless this is done Ireland will be like Portugal, or any of the corrupt little penny-dreadful nationalities which so continually disturb the peace of the world with internal revolutions and external brawlings, and we shall only have achieved the mechanism of nationality, but the spirit will have eluded us.

    The National Being Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity George William Russell 1901

  • The apartments in which he was lodged, with his clerk, were next in the dormitory of the lads, and even in the midst of the most excited brawlings the distant sound of his harsh voice, "Silence, messieurs!" would bring an instant hush to the loudest uproar.

    Men of Iron 1891

  • It is such hot blood as yours that is at the root of brawlings and disorders and such-like, to the scandal of the community: and to cool it I will commit you to the town jail until to-morrow!

    The Long Night Stanley John Weyman 1891


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