
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective superlative form of bully: most bully.


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  • Brown was the "bulliest" girl he knew, loved to give her good times and resented the mere mention of any other man's admiration for her.

    Saturday's Child Kathleen Thompson Norris 1923

  • Obama has used his presidency †"the bulliest of pulpits â€" to reach out to the world in peace in an unprecedented fashion.

    Nobel Notes: CAN OBAMA ACCEPT THE PRIZE? 2009

  • Surely it's no accident that our bulliest President was the Republican neocon Theodore Roosevelt.

    "What do you think playground bullies grow up to be?" "Right-wing Republicans." Ann Althouse 2008

  • Mr. Carter's is the bulliest of pulpits and he should receive great deference and wide latitude to say whatever he believes to be suitable for any occasion.

    Carter and Lowery Spoke Truth to Power 2006

  • But Bush yesterday let bin Laden share his bulliest of pulpits, giving the mass murderer precisely the attention he craves and endorsing his extreme view that a Third World War is under way.

    09/06/2006 2006

  • I am getting the bulliest offers for books and almanacs; am flooded with lecture invitations, and one periodical offers me $6,000 cash for twelve articles of any length, and on any subject, treated humorously or otherwise.

    Mark Twain: A Biography 2003

  • McKee, of this company, a stalwart Irish Federal said as he reached out to pull him up over the breastworks, "Gim-me your hand, Johnny Reb; you've give 'us the bulliest fight of the war!"

    The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson Edward A. Moore

  • His nerve all through was the bulliest thing you ever saw, Uncle Bill.

    Short Stories of Various Types Various

  • I shall always think that you are the bulliest girl I ever knew, and if you throw me down on that arrangement for our old age I shall certainly slap you on the wrist.

    Saturday's Child Kathleen Thompson Norris 1923

  • The guests were Howard Littlefield, the doctor of philosophy who furnished publicity and comforting economics to the Street Traction Company; Vergil Gunch, the coal-dealer, equally powerful in the Elks and in the Boosters’ Club; Eddie Swanson the agent for the Javelin Motor Car, who lived across the street; and Orville Jones, owner of the Lily White Laundry, which justly announced itself “the biggest, busiest, bulliest cleanerie shoppe in Zenith.

    Chapter 8 1922


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