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  • While version one was something to bite into, version two was buvable.

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • While version one was something to bite into, version two was buvable.

    battre - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • While version one was something to bite into, version two was buvable.

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • While version one was something to bite into, version two was buvable.

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • While version one was something to bite into, version two was buvable.

    battre - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • * Reference: les français = the French; pas assez battus = not beaten enough; invité (e) = guest; Cheryl and Bill are authors of cookbooks including this one); buvable = drinkable; oeuf (m) = egg

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • * Reference: les français = the French; pas assez battus = not beaten enough; invité (e) = guest; Cheryl and Bill are authors of cookbooks including this one); buvable = drinkable; oeuf (m) = egg

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • * Reference: les français = the French; pas assez battus = not beaten enough; invité (e) = guest; Cheryl and Bill are authors of cookbooks including this one); buvable = drinkable; oeuf (m) = egg

    battre - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • *Reference: les français = the French; pas assez battus = not beaten enough; invité(e) = guest; Cheryl and Bill are authors of cookbooks including this one); buvable = drinkable; oeuf (m) = egg

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • *Reference: les français = the French; pas assez battus = not beaten enough; invité(e) = guest; Cheryl and Bill are authors of cookbooks including this one); buvable = drinkable; oeuf (m) = egg

    battre - French Word-A-Day 2005


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