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  • Torbert soon hotly engaged this line, and by the impetuosity of his first attack, gained some advantage; but the appearance of Fitzhugh Lee's troops on the right, and Hampton's strong resistance in front, rendered futile all efforts to carry the position; and, although I brought up one of Gregg's brigades to Torbert's assistance, yet the by-road I coveted was still held by the enemy when night closed in.

    She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories 2010

  • I directed Torbert to make a reconnoissance up the Gordonsville road, to secure a by-road leading over Mallory's ford, on the North Anna, to the Catharpen road, as I purposed following that route to Spottsylvania Court House on my return, and thence via Bowling Green and Dunkirk to the White House.

    She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories 2010

  • I shall have a chariot-and-six ready in the by-road fronting the private path to Harlowe-paddock; and several of my friends and servants not far off, armed to protect her, if there be occasion: but every one charged to avoid mischief.

    Clarissa Harlowe 2006

  • His way takes him along a by-road, not much frequented, but very even and pleasant, which is called Commonplace Lane, and leads to the Belvedere of Commonsense.

    Virginibus Puerisque and other papers 2005

  • He passed Halliday in the garden without recognising or even being sensible that he had seen him, threw himself on his horse, and, by a sort of instinct rather than recollection, took the first by-road in preference to the public route to Hamilton.

    Old Mortality 2004

  • “He may escape, he may escape!” said Edith; “oh, would he but take the by-road!”

    Old Mortality 2004

  • They announced that they were bound for Peebles, and drove in that direction till they were clear of the last houses of the town; then, extinguishing the lamps, returned upon their course, and followed a by-road toward Glencorse.

    The Body-Snatcher 2004

  • They turned off the highroad into a by-road to the village,

    The Schoolmistress and other stories 2004

  • Nor did she feel safe until she had set a mile or two of by-road between herself and the marketplace, and had crept into a copse, like a hunted animal, to hide and recover breath.

    Our Mutual Friend 2004

  • He then cut across the fields until he reached a by-road leading to the town of Basingstoke.

    Ralph Rashleigh 2004


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