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  • I was present in this event, the "caminata" in old San Juan.

    Scenes from the trail: Obama's 'caminata' 2008

  • The event was referred to as a "caminata," a traditional parade for a candidate on the island.

    Scenes from the trail: Obama's 'caminata' 2008

  • Sen. Obama had taken part in a slightly different Puerto Rican-style political procession on foot, a so-called "caminata," during his visit to the island last weekend.

    Clinton Wins Puerto Rico Vote 2008

  • I was at the "caminata" in San Juan, (walk with touches of a parade, such as music), and right now even though i am sunburned I really enjoyed the daay and had two great moments: 1) I shook Obama's hand and 2) i told him that we have huge problems with HIV/AIDS.

    Scenes from the trail: Obama's 'caminata' 2008

  • Otro punto: Una simple caminata por zonas altas consume miles de calorías en poco tiempo.

    Global Voices in English » Peru: Cold Temperatures Continue in Puno 2009

  • But the guides describe the caminata as an homage to the path immigrants have beaten across the border.

    Happy Trails 2007

  • But the guides describe the caminata as an homage to the path immigrants have beaten across the border.

    Archive 2007-02-01 2007

  • Sen. Obama had taken part in a slightly different Puerto Rican-style political procession on foot, a caminata, during his visit to the island last weekend.

    A Rare Political Sun 2008

  • Barack Obama at a caminata, a traditional Puerto Rican political parade.

    CNN Transcript May 26, 2008 2008

  • Muy temprano por la mañana, Félix sale a trabajar sus tierras que se encuentran a una hora de caminata, tiene sembrado gladiolos, alverja y lechuga, cultivos que cuida con mucho cariño y esfuerzo, ya que sabe que de la buena cosecha que obtenga dependerá el sustento económico con el que cuente su familia.

    Kiva Loans 2010


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