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  • Before, however, looking at internal evidence to prove this contention, we may note that another example of the same composition exists in the Gallery of Rovigo, identical save for a cartellino on which is inscribed TITIANVS.

    Giorgione Cook, Herbert 1904

  • That the Rovigo work is posterior to the Vienna one is, I think, patent to anyone conversant with Venetian painting, but why should the one bear Titian's name on an apparently authentic cartellino, and not the other?

    Giorgione Cook, Herbert 1904

  • The cartellino is entirely out of perspective with the marble floor to which it is supposed to adhere.

    The Earlier Work of Titian Phillips, Claude 1897

  • [13] The inscription on a cartellino at the base of the picture,

    The Earlier Work of Titian Phillips, Claude 1897

  • In spite of the signature inscribed in the cartellino near the picture's lower margin, the attribution of the Städel's half-length figure of Saint Mark the Evangelist framed by a stone window, dating from 1450, had long been cast into doubt.

    unknown title 2009


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