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  • Hopefully, she is not only "moving on" but in addition, "out of the country." cassa

    GOP source: Palin decided it was 'time to move on' 2009

  • Latin casa, cassa, cassina; the Italian cassina, A small detached house in the fields, often whitewashed and of mean appearance.

    Travels through France and Italy 2004

  • Since no house remained standing, in which they might sleep, the three wanderers crept beneath the overhanging branches of a cassa tree and curled themselves up as comfortably as possible.

    Rinkitink in Oz Baum, L. Frank 1916

  • In quo illud primum arbitror inquirendum, an aliquod huiusmodi bonum quale paulo ante definisti in rerum natura possit exsistere, ne nos praeter rei subiectae ueritatem cassa cogitationis imago decipiat.

    The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius 1908

  • Sicut Ecclesia canit: 'Lapsus Adae vi pessima humana tota massa, natura et ipsa essentia corrupta, luce cassa,' [47] etc. Hoc quantum sit malum, verbis revera est inexplicabile, neque humanae rationis acumine indagari, sed duntaxat per verbum Dei revelatum agnosci potest.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • Since no house remained standing, in which they might sleep, the three wanderers crept beneath the overhanging branches of a cassa tree and curled themselves up as comfortably as possible.

    Rinkitink in Oz 1887

  • Since no house remained standing, in which they might sleep, the three wanderers crept beneath the overhanging branches of a cassa tree and curled themselves up as comfortably as possible.

    Rinkitink in Oz 1887

  • Don Teodoro, the _parroco_ there, -- it was he founded the _cassa rurale_.

    Eleanor Humphry Ward 1885

  • Ollamh ( "the Wise") established the Convention of Tara, which assembled habitually every ninth year, but might be called oftener; it met about the October festival in honour of Beleus or _Crom_; Eocaid invented or introduced a new species of wicker boats, called _cassa_, and spent much of his time upon the sea;

    A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete Thomas D'Arcy McGee 1846

  • Ollamh ( "the Wise") established the Convention of Tara, which assembled habitually every ninth year, but might be called oftener; it met about the October festival in honour of Beleus or _Crom_; Eocaid invented or introduced a new species of wicker boats, called _cassa_, and spent much of his time upon the sea;

    A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Volume 1 Thomas D'Arcy McGee 1846


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