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  • She meant, of course, that she had un cheveu (a hair) in her salad!

    arrosoir - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • She meant, of course, that she had un cheveu a hair in her salad!

    arrosoir - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • The Gallian general Chevert, led a hand-picked force 6 btns of infantry, including Les Gardes Francaises, 4 sets of 4 pounders, 6 squadrons of heavy horse, 4 squadrons of Saxon cheveu-legers, and les Uhlans de Saxe, who had been acting as the bodyguard for Lady Pettigree.

    Battle of Muhlenberg - January 19, 1758 Der Alte Fritz 2008

  • The Gallian general Chevert, led a hand-picked force 6 btns of infantry, including Les Gardes Francaises, 4 sets of 4 pounders, 6 squadrons of heavy horse, 4 squadrons of Saxon cheveu-legers, and les Uhlans de Saxe, who had been acting as the bodyguard for Lady Pettigree.

    Archive 2008-01-01 Der Alte Fritz 2008

  • Avoir un cheveu sur la langue: "To have a hair on the tongue"

    le dos - French Word-A-Day 2004

  • "Le cheveu!" one brazen youngster shouted, running his hand through his own hair by way of demonstrating Thatchy's most conspicuous characteristic.

    Tom Slade Motorcycle Dispatch Bearer Percy Keese Fitzhugh 1913

  • Dieu, qui a toutes choses sujettes ` a soi, veille sur nous d'un soin paternel, tellement qu'il ne tombera point un cheveu de notre tete sans sa volonte.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • The Emperor, looking on, cried out, "Bravo, Madame!" and, gathering some flowers off the table, handed them to me, saying: "Votre succès tenait à un cheveu, n'est-ce pas?"

    In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters 1886

  • They come in _comme un cheveu sur la soupe_, to be removed at once.

    The Gentle Art of Making Enemies James McNeill Whistler 1868

  • Le secret consistoit à prendre un cheveu be la fille, on le plaçoit d'abord dans son haut-de-chausses; on faisoit une confession générale et on fesoit dire trois messes, pendant les quelles on mettoit le cheveu autour de son col; on allumait un cièrge béni au dernier Evangile en on prononcait cette formule.

    Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction John Davenport 1833


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