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  • That is why chicagoans opposed the olympics: another excuse for daley to steal from them via higher taxes.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » My Curmudgeonly Take on the Olympics 2009

  • Dj2000lbs (10: 36: 55 AM): whenever wereever and how ever you would like to cutie pie purduebethany (10: 38: 57 AM): tonight, 7pm, the corner of Addison and Belmont (you chicagoans know, this is impossible, they are parallel streets) purduebethany (10: 39: 04 AM): be there or be square

    bethany9 Diary Entry bethany9 2004

  • Uh_Huh_Her_011 (10 posts) on January 29, 2009 - 11: 55pm. melissa (18 posts) on January 31, 2009 - 11: 42am. wow alot of chicagoans ... im from chicago and i am 17. - Because visibility matters 2009

  • Uh_Huh_Her_011 (10 posts) on January 29, 2009 - 11: 55pm. melissa (17 posts) on January 31, 2009 - 11: 42am. wow alot of chicagoans ... im from chicago and i am 17. - Because visibility matters 2009

  • I miss everyone too! that was so much fun! great pics!! lol, i get crap from native chicagoans ALL the time about being a spoiled californian whenever i complain about the cold. psh, whatver!!

    Back in skinny jeans 2008

  • Andrew Aiello why do chicagoans get fucked in their mouths on limited releases?

    First Batch of Evil Dead Rerelease Dates Announced | /Film 2009

  • * for all you chicagoans Bo Obama is hoping for a Bulls win tonight!

    Blog updates 2009

  • I'm a chicagoan and half the time it's like fucking heresy for me to say to other native chicagoans that I won't go to their neighborhoods because of crime. what's new online! 2009

  • "colorful chicagoans" take over the sun-times, a chicago news cooperative teams …

    Chicago Reader 2009


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