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  • Arcadelt's Il bianco e dolce cigno is a perfect example: the swan sings sadly before dying, but the narrator's "swan song" is one of great joy, and he wishes he could "die" a thousand times daily!

    Connections Bardiac 2009

  • Vlinius Alieti (Aquil& marinx} puUum, nec propriam ejfe fpeciem, fed ex Aquila diuerfis maribns admijfa, procrearu Alber - tus, actnaticam auem ejfe contendit, cigno maiorem, oblongo roftfo, cu - ius parsinferior faccifpeckm pr&ferat, in quam magnum pijciumnu - merum occulit, quos poftea paulaiim deglutiat.

    Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia libri sex Dioscórides , Dioscorides Pedanius , Joannes Ruellius 1550


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