cinnamon-water love


from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A medicinal beverage made from cinnamon-oil and water.


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  • This spirit, mixed with sugar, and an extract of cinnamon, is sold under the name of cinnamon-water.

    Travels in Arabia 2003

  • If the complaint continue after these means have been employed, some astringent or binding medicine will be required, as the subjoined: — Take of prepared chalk 2 drachms, cinnamon-water 7 oz., syrup of poppies 1 oz.; mix, and take 3 tablespoonfuls every four hours.

    The Book of Household Management Isabella Mary 1861

  • If the complaint continue after these means have been employed, some astringent or binding medicine will be required, as the subjoined: — Take of prepared chalk 2 drachms, cinnamon-water 7 oz., syrup of poppies 1 oz.; mix, and take 3 tablespoonfuls every four hours.

    The Book of Household Management Isabella Mary 1861

  • The surgeon deprecated such proceeding until the patient should have full benefit of his drugs -- bread pills and cinnamon-water.

    Arabian nights. English Anonymous 1855

  • This spirit, mixed with sugar, and an extract of cinnamon, is sold under the name of cinnamon-water.

    Travels in Arabia; comprehending an account of those territories in Hedjaz which the Mohammedans regard as sacred John Lewis Burckhardt 1800


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