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  • De plus, la provenance de ces liens a une importance : le “pagerank” autorité se calcule de façon circulaire.

    2007 August — Climb to the Stars 2007

  • In the midnineteenth century (594), Falrets (the father in 1854 and son in 1859) and Baillarger in 1854 independently delineated folie circulaire as uncommon hereditary disorder characterized by recurring attacks of melancholia, excitement, and mixed mood states in the same patient.

    The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry Michael Alan Taylor 1993

  • In many cases the convulsion seems t o come as the termination of an obscure (auto-toxic) cycle which varies in duration in different individuals and bears some relationship to the ascending period of the folie circulaire of the French.

    The Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1916

  • Retreat classed as mania and melancholia have proved to be folie circulaire.

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • In the institution in Philadelphia, of which Dr. Chapin is the superintendent, 10,379 patients have been treated, only three of whom were diagnosed cases of manie circulaire.

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • In the institution in Philadelphia, of which Dr. Chapin is the superintendent, 10,379 patients have been treated, only three of whom were diagnosed cases of manie circulaire.

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • Retreat classed as mania and melancholia have proved to be folie circulaire.

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • He says: ` I have had under my care altogether about 40 cases of typical folie circulaire. '

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • He says: 'I have had under my care altogether about 40 cases of typical folie circulaire.'

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine 1896

  • Once I ventured to designate the whole Christian system of training22in penance and salvation (now best studied in England) as a method of producing a folie circulaire upon a soil already prepared for it, which is to say, a soil thoroughly unhealthy.

    The Antichrist 1895


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