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  • Et même s'il a présenté durant la campagne présidentielle américaine Barack Obama comme son "copain", c'est Jacques Chirac qui est distingué aujourd'hui en premier par le nouveau président.

    Does Obama not know who's president of France? Or is he intentionally insulting Sarkozy? Ann Althouse 2009

  • "He does flatter me an awful lot – he said I was his copain best friend and he would discuss his work with me, which wasn't really true," says Peter.

    My life as a Waugh 2011

  • The words compagnon (companion) and copain (friend) are derived from someone with whom you break bread ( pain ).

    The Best Baguette in Paris Lennox Morrison 2011

  • "And your old copain of the Legion bids you ` Bonne chance, camarade! '"

    Watershed 2010

  • I can only imagine that perhaps a french husband helps one to integrate - malheureusement mon copain est anglais!

    joyeux - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • As soon as the local people heard that le copain anglais needed help, Poète had so many volunteers he had to turn men away.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • As soon as the local people heard that le copain anglais needed help, Poète had so many volunteers he had to turn men away.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • As soon as the local people heard that le copain anglais needed help, Poète had so many volunteers he had to turn men away.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • As soon as the local people heard that le copain anglais needed help, Poète had so many volunteers he had to turn men away.

    Shadow Knights Gary Kamiya 2010

  • References: le copain (la copine) = friend; le camion (m) = truck; un embranchement (m) = side road; le chemin (m) = road

    French Word-A-Day: 2007


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