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  • La cucina is the heart of the fattoria, and has formed the backdrop to the lives of our family, the Fiores, as far back as, and further than, anyone can remember.

    La Cucina by Lily Prior: Questions 2000

  • Today, he said, the most popular places for people to meet or mingle at AvalonBay's various suburban complexes around the state are at the dog runs, which offer benches for the humans - or else the outdoor "cucina" cooking areas and rooftop decks.

    NYT > Home Page By ANTOINETTE MARTIN 2010

  • The food of this landlocked, rural region comes from "la cucina contadina" the farmer's kitchen.

    Kathy McCabe: Savoring Umbria's Earthy Tastes Kathy McCabe 2011

  • Mia scuola di cucina internazionale Italcook (www.

    The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook | Baking Bites 2009

  • This is a method employed by Elizabeth David in the minestrone verde recipe given in Italian Food, and also mentioned as a possibility by Locatelli, but despite the pedigree, the result needs an awful lot of seasoning to lift it from the blandness that many Marie Antoinettish proponents of cucina povera choose to ignore in their favourite peasant dishes.

    How to cook perfect minestrone soup 2011

  • It is called “cucina” (kitchen in Italian), specially designed for use in the kitchen.

    Archive 2008-05-01 Nupur 2008

  • None will better express the flavor of the occasion than a new edition next month of Pellegrino Artusi ' s " La scienza in cucina e l ' arte di mangiare bene " " Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well " .

    Where the Stomach Is the Way to the Heart Francis X. Rocca 2010

  • Vernon and I were starving, our bodies tense; then relaxing as our tongues swirled around the mozzarella cucina and the hot antipasto, our breathing quickening as we devoured the clams oreganato, stuffed mushrooms, eggplant rollantini, and artichoke hearts.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • In his pomp, Mr. Marchesi, the father of nuova cucina, single-handedly dragged Italian cooking out of the humble trattoria and into a high-end restaurant near you.

    Marchesi, on Food and Life Edward Reeves 2010

  • We head to Ristorante da Nello (via Montegrappa 2) for tipica cucina emiliana.

    Dr. Irene S. Levine: A Day in Bologna 2010


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