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  • Looking over the debree, the lieutenant sees a familiar shape lying on the ground, mask, burnt black, its meaning to her changed.

    Check This Out: Awesome Fan Made Dark Knight Sequel Poster! « 2008

  • We kin has debree flows uv brayn splorts, but da rayn will wash us awl kleens!

    hug? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • Mr. W–beeware you nots hab th3 hot dwinkz aroun dis site….secund debree burnz on yer skins an mucosa kin takes 7-10 dayz to heals and iz constnt remynder you gotted hurt indirekably frum ICHC…th3 funnees still be funnee but nao it do hurts when you smyle or sip or breev…

    Ninja skillz… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • A compacted mass of debree in the foot covey of my grandmother's petite ladies desk that I use for my computer.

    madrigle Diary Entry madrigle 2002

  • "He broke it clearin 'up the _debree_ in the summer-house after the visitors had gone," Mrs Bowldler explained.

    Hocken and Hunken Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • He did so, almost as soon as he and 'Bias had gloomily finished their supper -- a repast which largely consisted of odds-and-ends (the _debree_, in Mrs Bowldler's language) of yester-night's banquet.

    Hocken and Hunken Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • One on 'em called it the debree of the feast, though what that means is best known to hisself.

    Post Haste 1859

  • Are you watching your FIRE PLACE, is it clean, and clear of debree.

    WLNE - News 2009

  • Type: Third Person Action You can enter the house quickly through the door or thrash it, burn the house down and run naked around the ashes and debree.

    Fragland :: Everything 2009

  • Are you watching your FIRE PLACE, is it clean, and clear of debree.

    WLNE - News 2009


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