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  • Extremadura's quite simply a foodie's paradise - the Iberico breed of pig, native to the peninsula, lives free on its plains (called dehesa).

    Notes from Spain: Travel, Living in Spain, Podcasts, Forum and Photos 2009

  • As the last free ranging pigs in Europe, Iberico pigs, popularly known as pata negra, or black hoof, roam in the dehesa, an indigenous forest of southwestern Spain eating acorns as well as mushrooms and herbs.

    ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds 2010

  • A dehesa in Cáceres province, Spain - a traditional agroforestry system situated in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2009

  • Examples for traditional agricultural systems are the atlantic bocage and the montado / dehesa.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2009

  • To be precise he carves me thick slices of 36 month old Jamon Iberico de Bellota by Erostine Liidelee Fundacion Monte Mediterrano dehesa San Francisco, Huelva

    Tomato 2008

  • "400 pounds at two years of age" Fat. dehesa I suppose, rolling Iberian pasturelands where pigs lallygag and gorge on sweet Holm Oak acorns.

    The Porkchop Express J. Slab 2008


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