
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb transitive To separate or remove from history; to deprive of historical context.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

de- +‎ historicize


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  • Indeed, one could argue that to make the distinction is to lose the connection of gentile-centrism to anti-Semitism and thus dehistoricize the phenomenon in a way that can only be harmful.

    More on Chomsky and Anti-Semitism 2006

  • Indeed, "patriarchy" and "feminism," concepts hardly unrelated to one another, may be the two terms most vexing the study of Austen today, since their very inevitability now in discussions of her work presents a constant temptation to dehistoricize, given the nearly transhistorical force these terms have assumed in our own time.

    Saying What One Thinks: Emma--_Emma_--at Box Hill 2000

  • This way of framing the debate also seems to dehistoricize this food crisis as merely the product of recent economic policies. 2009


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