
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See demarcation.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun Same as demarcation.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of demarcation.


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  • Although that demarkation is not as rigid as the 12: 00 noon demarkation between Buenos Días and Buenas Tardes.

    Good Evening 2005

  • In a final settlement, Israel will not only have to withdraw to the so-called Green Line, which reprewsents the theft of about one third of Palesenian legal territory, but rather to the 1947 United Nations partion plan demarkation lines.

    Conference of Presidents Parrots Avigdor Lieberman « Blog 2009

  • Man what outsiders don't know (I worked for Ford for 37yrs) is that management proposed that any skilled tradesman should be able to cross the lines of demarkation and finish a job that isn't within their skill-or trade.

    The Truth Revealed! 2008

  • A complete “demarkation” of a category is not needed to recognize cases of something not being in that category.

    Science, Non-Science, and Pseudoscience - The Panda's Thumb 2009

  • Although both the DPP and KMT have accepted this concept, it simply creates a stalemate between the KMT's greater national Chinese as envisioned by Sun Yat-sen, in which there are many ethnic groups, but Han are the representations of pure, superior and modern... and the DPP's own essentialized version, which denies the continued horizontal crossing of their own demarkation between ethnic groups.

    Reconstructing post-1949 Nationalist History in Taiwan Michael Turton 2009

  • I have just added a line of bugle beads as a demarkation line for something - not sure just what, probably a few more lines of bugle beads below, but not sure what above.

    Archive 2007-08-01 katelnorth 2007

  • And so on - demarkation problems rapidly become a nightmare.

    Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • I have just added a line of bugle beads as a demarkation line for something - not sure just what, probably a few more lines of bugle beads below, but not sure what above.

    Lotsa stuff on Monday katelnorth 2007

  • However, there was, as I remember, a pretty clear demarkation between this group and the ones of lesser interest.

    And the winners are... Christine Robinson 2008

  • I think that if science maintains a tight demarkation between philosophical naturalism and methodological naturalism, it can remain the well respected source of knowledge that it currently is.

    Demarcation as Politics 2006


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