
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To remove the pollution from.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb transitive To free from pollution.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

de- +‎ pollute


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  • "The more we automatically 'depollute' networks and servers from all sources of piracy, the less it will be necessary to resort to measures imposed on the 'Internautes' [French Internet users].

    Ars Technica Nate Anderson 2010

  • "The more we automatically 'depollute' networks and servers from all sources of piracy, the less it will be necessary to resort to measures imposed on the 'Internautes' [French Internet users].

    Ars Technica Nate Anderson 2010

  • "The more we automatically 'depollute' networks and servers from all sources of piracy, the less it will be necessary to resort to measures imposed on the 'Internautes' [French Internet users].

    Ars Technica Nate Anderson 2010

  • "The more we automatically 'depollute' networks and servers from all sources of piracy, the less it will be necessary to resort to measures imposed on the 'Internautes' [French Internet users].

    Ars Technica Nate Anderson 2010

  • It's hard to see how a passive wall coating, where the zeolite is mixed wth all the other constituents of a paint, can effectively depollute a whole room on a long-term basis).

    Battleground ASA Ray Girvan 2005


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