
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun dermatoscopy


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  • An expert in early detection, Grichnik says one of the program's goals is to develop the Melanoma Surveillance and Detection Clinic, a world class facility that will utilize imaging technologies such as dermoscopy, confocal microscopy, and total body photography to allow for melanoma detection at early, more curable, stages.

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2009

  • One study found that less than 5 percent of existing nevi become malignant, and of that minority of moles, the modifications were so subtle that most patients never detected them.2 This certainly underscores the value of regular dermatologic checkups with digital dermoscopy for high-risk patients.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • These are cases where dermoscopy and close monitoring are invaluable.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • Another new digital photography system called MelaFind provides higher resolution and may turn out to be a superior magnifier to other digital dermoscopy devices.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • Sometimes a lesion may appear atypical at first; then dermoscopy reveals it to be a simple angioma, a benign growth made up of blood vessels.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • Most important, dermoscopy helps evaluate the depth of pigment.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • These are cases where dermoscopy and close monitoring are invaluable.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • In other situations dermoscopy can give a doctor more confidence that a biopsy is absolutely necessary.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • Another new digital photography system called MelaFind provides higher resolution and may turn out to be a superior magnifier to other digital dermoscopy devices.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009

  • To be safe, close monitoring and regular dermoscopy are a good line of defense.

    Simple Skin Beauty Ellen Marmur 2009


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