
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An injectable gonadotropin-releasing hormone superagonist that stops the production of sex hormones.


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  • unpredictable - best to have client have mare palpated before any breeding, to determine if a mature follicle is present - hormone therapy may help induce a cycle in mare in the transitional phase - GnRH-analog (deslorelin - Ovuplant) - progesterone analog (Regu-Mate)

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows janny0759 2010

  • unpredictable - best to have client have mare palpated before any breeding, to determine if a mature follicle is present - hormone therapy may help induce a cycle in mare in the transitional phase - GnRH-analog (deslorelin - Ovuplant) - progesterone analog (Regu-Mate)

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows janny0759 2010


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