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  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009

  • Although from time to time I have seen Americano/a. Now as to whether Gringo, Gabacho, Bollilo, or some other word is "despectivo" or pejorative or just bad taste to use, it all depends upon the context and the tone of voice.

    Estadounidense? 2009


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