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  • Make sure yours is full and don't blame it on the dull shears (as I did, last time he checked) or he'll teach you an old French farming dicton:

    Harvest 2010

  • Make sure yours is full and don't blame it on the dull shears as I did, last time he checked or he'll teach you an old French farming dicton: "Il n'y a pas de mauvais outils, il n'y a que de mauvais ouvriers!"

    Harvest 2010

  • La chanson de Frank Sinatra me vient à l'esprit "I left my heart in San Francisco" , ainsi que le dicton "Voir Naples et mourir".

    Earthquake - San Francisco - Séisme Oleg Kuzin 2007

  • La chanson de Frank Sinatra me vient à l'esprit "I left my heart in San Francisco" , ainsi que le dicton "Voir Naples et mourir".

    Archive 2007-07-01 Oleg Kuzin 2007

  • Ca ne l'interesse pas plus que ca je le sais bien et au plan et descroptif qu j'ai eu sur cette petite reunion de ville ca ne sera pas fameux mais bon, j'suis con vous savez je vis d'espoir c'est ce que dit le dicton non?

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • Although Chauny is really a very ancient city -- dating back at least to the age of Charlemagne, when the monks of Cuissy and St. - Eloi-Fontaine, with the keen eye of those early agriculturists for a good thing, reclaimed its marshes and turned them into a fat land, yielding, as an old local _dicton_ tells us, the

    France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889 William Henry Hurlbert 1861

  • Tout le monde le sait, tout le monde devrait le savoir: la "marionnette" Karzaï remet au goût du jour le dicton, - "avec des valets comme ça, pas besoin de talibans".

    Dedefensa Philippe Grasset 2010

  • PS: fallait aussi traduire le dicton;):) 2 August 2009, 13: 28 pm

    Global Voices in English » Morocco: “I’m a 9 Per Cent!” 2009

  • à son sujet, c'est un exemple à l'échelle mondiale du dicton: "Cela n'a pas vraiment disparu tant que quelqu'un s'en souvient."

    Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas Marie Lebert

  • -- "The Queen will not have enough for a pair of shoes at the year's end after the ministers are sustained," said Lethington; and Knox records the "dicton or proverb" which arose, as such sayings do, out of the crowd, in respect to the official, the Comptroller, who had charge of this hated partition -- "The Laird of Pitarrow," cried the popular voice, "was ane earnest professor of Christ; but the meikle Deil receive the Controller."

    Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets George Reid 1862


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