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Arya ka dal ko Khel mein Kyun Pyar bandhan ke aya hamara pani ki dimi kathi kismet ka.
Why are South Indians so smart? Steve Sailer 2002
Tom Yancey nebber go s'long as de mint patch hol 'out, an' de colonel bought putty near a ba'el ob it dis mawnin ', an' anudder dimi-john from Mister Grocerman.
Colonel Carter of Cartersville Francis Hopkinson Smith 1876
'Non parcaturalicui furi ultra 12 denarios, et ultra 12 annos nato -- ut occide-mus ilium et capiamus omne quod possidet, et inprimis sumamus rei furto ablatse pretium ab hserede, ac dividatur postea reliquum in duas partes, una pars uxori, si munda, et facinoris conscia non sit; et residuum in duo, dimi-dium capiat rex, dimidium societas.'
Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 1 Thomas Jefferson 1784
These circumstances produced the necessity of rapid and harassing marches, which had dimi - nished the numbers, exhausted the strength, and impaired the ecjuipment of tlie army.
Itaque, cum unum qui - deni fiiium filiamve bseredcni reli - querat libertus, perinde pars dimi - dia debebatur patrono, ac si is sine ullo filio filiave intestatus decessis - set: cum vero duos duasvc hseft - des reliquerat, tertia pars debebatur patrono: si tres reliquerat, repelle - batur patronus.
Crellius, or the other learned antagonists of the doctrine of atonement, unnoticed or unimproved; and the skirmishing writers of the present day, have done nothing more than retail, with dimi - nished force, the same objections.
A. frondibus pinnatis, pinnis lanceolatis dimi - diatis margine superiore inciso-dentatis, laci - nlis inferioribus bihdis, basi sursum auricula - tis.
W. f A. frondibus pinnatis, pinnis lanceolatis dimi - diatis, latere superiore incisis, laciniis obtusis emarginatis, soro in qualibet pinna solitario oblongo.
I difapprove much of that part of the bill which leaves intermarriage fubjeft to disfranchifement; you at once legalize, and puniih the connexion: you encourage and you deter j and you make yourfelves the objedl of your fevcrity, and dimi - nifh the bafe of your own ftrength, and turn your prejudices againft your own power and precedence.
I am aware that there were fome perfons who thought that to be upon our guard was fo much our firft intereft, in the pre - fent pofture of affairs, that even to conceal the truth was lefs mifchievous than to dimi - nish the public terror.
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