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  • This sale can only take place, however, after the ejido “mesa directiva” (board of directors) signs off that a 30 day first right-of-refusal (derecho del tanto) has been offered to all the ejiditarios.

    Acta de Constitutiva - Ejido Land 2008

  • Also, they were able to come to a meeting of the junta directiva of the bank to learn a little bit about how micro-finance works.

    ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! 2009

  • Olman is a member of the junta directiva of the bank, and we are headed to the weekly meeting.

    A day in the life 2008

  • We can say that there is not only a a new directiva or board of directors and a radio program, but a new spirit in the group...

    Vamos pa’l agua..que hace calor… 2008

  • But in our actual world the need for (the threat of) coercion is such that Aquinas will say without qualification that law ought to have coercive force [vis coactiva] as well as directive [vis directiva]; he even says that it is a characteristic of law

    Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy Finnis, John 2005

  • The vicar is aided in the settlement of all matters regarding the clergy by the examiners of the clergy, in the settlement of questions as to the transfer or deposition of parish priests by the consultors, in all questions as to offices and benefices by the general supervisory council, the deputies for the seminaries, and the advisory council (commissio directiva).

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux 1840-1916 1913

  • El Banco de Emprendimiento VICTORIA esta compuesta por ocho integrantes, siete mujeres y un varon son personas responsables que se conocen y se garantizan entre ellos, tiene su mesa directiva que esta compuesta por:

    Kiva Loans 2010

  • Para obtener más información, consulte la directiva de ciclo de vida de soporte técnico de ...

    Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now A Googler 2010

  • Mercado: Benayoun hablará con la directiva de su futuro - Articles related to Mercado: El agente de Rafa Benítez asegura que seguirá en Liverpool 2010

  • El banco de Emprendimiento actualmente cuenta con una mesa directiva la cual a sido elegida de manera popular y tambien por la responsabilidad de las persona que lo componen.

    Kiva Loans 2010


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