
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of downturn.


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  • There are situations, like medical emergencies or short term downturns, where families don't have another alternative.

    Don McNay: Just Say "No" to Adult Children Wanting Money 2009

  • His economic adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, yesterday told reporters that short-term downturns are best addressed by the Fed.

    Economy Takes Center Stage 2008

  • The isolation of a producing region allows him to focus on discrete amounts of textile-production data to show how that industry, and its various upturns and downturns, is determined more by regional economic linkages than by the vagaries of distant European markets and systems of extraction beyond the Coromandel coast.

    Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India 2001

  • Job loss came mainly as a result of short-term downturns, and laid-off workers knew that when demand picked up they would be rehired.

    Executive Economics SHLOMO MAITAL 1994

  • Job loss came mainly as a result of short-term downturns, and laid-off workers knew that when demand picked up they would be rehired.

    Executive Economics SHLOMO MAITAL 1994

  • Another lesson learned is that Michigan shouldn't assume that it's immune from the dramatic, long-term downturns that befell other traditional national football brands such as Notre Dame, Nebraska or Florida State. - RSS 2008

  • Recurring "downturns" - which neither private nor government actions have ever managed to prevent - impose massive costs on society.

    The Guardian World News Richard Wolff 2011

  • All that said, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to have some questions about the nature of public sector compensation (too skewed toward longevity, too sticky in downturns, etc.).

    Matthew Yglesias » Public Sector Pay 2010

  • In each of the three decades, the downturns were the consequence of a tightening of policy deliberately designed to reduce inflation or deflate asset-price bubbles.

    History suggests 2011 will be a year of living frugally 2011

  • Big cities almost always generate economic activity even in downturns.

    Matthew Yglesias » The New New York 2008


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