
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A muddy river. Grose.


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  • July 22nd, 2009 12: 58 pm ET as a pro gun democrat i am highly dissapointed i have the right to druve any where but i cant protect myself or my kids on vacation.

    Senate rejects concealed weapons bill 2009

  • July 22nd, 2009 1: 26 pm ET jwigg July 22nd, 2009 12: 58 pm ET as a pro gun democrat i am highly dissapointed i have the right to druve any where but i cant protect myself or my kids on vacation.

    Senate rejects concealed weapons bill 2009

  • Come de wintah, it be so cold mah feet weah plumb numb mos 'o' de time and manya time -- when we git a chanct -- we druve the hogs from outin the bogs an 'put ouah feet in the wahmed wet mud.

    Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Indiana Narratives Work Projects Administration

  • King George, an 'den druve us all out ob our homes.

    The King's Arrow A Tale of the United Empire Loyalists 1910

  • "I druve him over from the station 'cause he couldn't walk, him an 'a man, an' two women, an 'a wheel-chair," Mr. Higgins explained.

    The Miracle Man 1909

  • He helped to git Mr. Beecot into a cab and druve off.

    The Opal Serpent Fergus Hume 1895

  • I'll stick it on to parson's fare next time I've druve him.

    Love Eternal Henry Rider Haggard 1890

  • John Tuam, your sowl, has tuck his pasthoral staff in his hand and heathen them out o 'Connaught as fast as ever Pathric druve the sarpints into Clew Bay.

    Stories of Comedy Rossiter Johnson 1885

  • The only satisfaction she got was the quiet answer, β€œNa, na, my lady; I druve ye to your marriage, and I shall stay to drive ye to your burial.”

    Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character Ramsay, Edward B 1874

  • Shure, if it wasn't that ye're no bigger or heavier than a wisp o 'pea straw, ye'd have druve me and the soup into the fire, ye would.

    Ungava 1859


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