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  • noun Plural form of drysalter.


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  • As a manufactured color, Prussian blue, like Naples yellow, Turner's yellow, and Scheele's green, involved materials and production methods that crossed the traditional boundaries of several groups: colormakers, apothecaries, drysalters, and manufacturing chemists.

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • Lead white, oils, and some waxes as well as alum, tin, and oil of vitriol were used by apothecaries, drysalters, and manufacturing chemists with other specialties as well as to colormakers.

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • We would expect participation in these competitions from theorists or practitioners with identifiable connections to the color-dependent industries: colormakers, colormen, factory-owning merchants, painters, enamellers, dyers, drysalters.

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • Eighteenth-century discussions — especially among apothecaries, drysalters, and others who sold or worked with coloring materials — highlight the mysteries of this bilateral relationship.

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • What happens in chemical experiment may be developed on a large scale in burning grocery, drug, or drysalters 'stores, when great quantities of materials, such as just mentioned, including common salt, almost always present, are heated most intensely, and then subjected to the action of water in heavy dashes, or in form of spray or steam.

    Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881 Various

  • And yet I have known youthful poets, apparently bound for Paternoster Row, bolt off the course in a year or two, to the delight of their friends, and become, of their own free will, drysalters.

    Some Private Views James Payn 1864

  • The dyer purchases his dye-stuffs from the drysalters already fabricated, and these are merely modified under his hands to the various purposes he requires; so with the perfumer, he purchases the various soaps in their raw state from the soap-makers, these he mixes by remelting, scents and colors according to the article to be produced.

    The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants George William Septimus Piesse 1851

  • Santal-wood is to be purchased from some of the wholesale drysalters; the drug-grinders are the people to reduce it to powder for you -- any attempt to do so at home will be found unavailable, on account of its toughness.

    The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants George William Septimus Piesse 1851

  • The various trading guilds of the city of London -- such as the drapers, vintners, cordwainers, drysalters -- obtained in the gross 209,800 acres, including the city of Derry, which they rebuilt and fortified, adding _London_ to its ancient name.

    A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics - Volume 2 Thomas D'Arcy McGee 1846

  • The various trading guilds of the city of London -- such as the drapers, vintners, cordwainers, drysalters -- obtained in the gross 209,800 acres, including the city of Derry, which they rebuilt and fortified, adding _London_ to its ancient name.

    A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete Thomas D'Arcy McGee 1846


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