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  • However, we're led to believe by those that have a better knowledge of German/English translation than us that 'dummerweise' - the word Franz Beckenbauer actually used - has no real literal translation to English and while it can mean 'stupid', in this context it means something closer to 'unfortunately'.

    TEAMtalk Football News 2010

  • However, we're led to believe by those that have a better knowledge of German/English translation than us that 'dummerweise' - the word Franz Beckenbauer actually used - has no real literal translation to English and while it can mean 'stupid', in this context it means something closer to 'unfortunately'.

    TEAMtalk Football News 2010

  • The problem arose from the Kaiser's use of "dummerweise", meaning "it's a pity". news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • WLAN funktioniert nur durchwachsen, dummerweise hab ich kein Wired-Kabel mehr dabei.

    Hanno's blog 2010

  • Passiert mir dummerweise auch oft vor oder an Wochenenden.

    Sun Bloggers 2009


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