
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as petroleum.


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  • Inside, the Club was a teak-walled place smelling of earth-oil, and consisting of only four rooms, one of which contained a forlorn ‘library’ of five hundred mildewed novels, and another an old and mangy billiard-table — this, however, seldom used, for during most of the year hordes of flying beetles came buzzing round the lamps and littered themselves over the cloth.

    Burmese Days 2002

  • In comfortless camps, in sweltering offices, in gloomy dakbungalows smelling of dust and earth-oil, they earn, perhaps, the right to be

    Burmese Days 2002

  • They had poured earth-oil, the kind that bubbled up in black, sticky pools around here, around the foundations, splashed it up against the sides of the shed.

    Exile's Honor Lackey, Mercedes 2002

  • They had poured earth-oil, the kind that bubbled up in black, sticky pools around here, around the foundations, splashed it up against the sides of the shed.

    Exile's Honor Lackey, Mercedes 2002

  • _ -- In its three chief mineral products, earth-oil, coal and gold, Burma offers a fair field for enterprise and nothing more.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" Various


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