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  • Because of the river action, these forests are found in numerous seral stages and with topographically or edaphically distinct floristics.

    Iquitos varzea 2008

  • The sand movement corridors along the Atlantic Coast are edaphically complex, associated with soil development from mobile sand to old red sands underlain by duricrusts.

    Succulent Karoo 2008

  • Because of the landscape heterogeneity caused by river dynamics, these forests are found in numerous seral stages and with topographically or edaphically distinct floristics.

    Monte Alegre varzea 2008

  • Disturbance regimes are widely credited with setting the boundaries of renosterveld shrubland communities, but recent studies suggest the boundaries may be edaphically determined.

    Montane fynbos and renosterveld 2008


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