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  • Pale green tinged with blue, it was strong enough to penetrate the tough material of his backpack, emanat-ing strongly from within.

    The Howling Stones Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1997

  • Shane's cold-senser ability picked up the probabilistic distortions emanat - ing from the machine.

    The Grand Wheel Bayley, Barrington J. 1977

  • Omnis fama a domesticis emanat [All fame proceeds from servants].

    LV. Of Honor and Reputation 1909

  • [649] Agnoscimus item et fatemur, hanc maxime admirabilem divinitatis cum humanitate conjunctionem, ab aeterno et immutabili Dei decreto profectam: unde omnis nostra solus emanat ac pendet.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • * Agnoscimus item et fatemur, hanc maxime admirabilem divinitatis cum humanitate conjunctionem, ab aeterno et immutabili Dei decreto profectam: unde omnis nostra solus emanat ac pendet.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • General fame is light, and the opinions conceived by superiors or equals are deceitful; for to such men are more masked: Verior fama e domesticis emanat.

    The Advancement of Learning Francis Bacon 1593

  • Citing that pending case, Chetia's lawyer in his December 2008 letter to the UNHCR said that "a covert move possibly emanat [ing] from the terrible pressure created by Indian Government" was afoot to hand over Chetia to Indian authorities "without considering the legal and political status of [his] client".

    unknown title 2009


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