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  • An approximation to the grunt may be found by exaggerating the nasal sound in the French word "en."

    The Third Reader, Designed for the Use of Primary Schools, Adelaide de Vendel 1864

  • You see when Zeb was born, an 'the time runnin' on for his christ'nin ', Rachel an' me puzzled for days what to call en.

    I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • Diese Jungs und Mädels sind irgendwie zu eine m ziemlichen Ungeziefer geword en.

    Sun Bloggers 2009

  • William Farren, here, was touching on that subject, if I'm not mista'en. '

    Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte 2004

  • I fell in a fricht, but the other man opened the door, and again she cries, 'The sojers is coming; quick, or you'll be ta'en.'

    The Little Minister 1898

  • 'However, 'tis well to be kin to a coach, even if you don't ride in' en. '

    Tess of the d'Urbervilles 1891

  • ` ` Na, na, '' said Dougal in reply, ` ` she's nae gentle pody, I trow; her petters hae ganged parefoot, or she's muckle mista'en. ''

    Rob Roy 1887

  • They find the original of Paddy Blake's echo in Bacon's works: ` ` I remember well that when I went to the echo at Port Charenton, there was an old Parisian that took it to be the work of spirits, and of good spirits; ` for, 'said he, ` call Satan, and the echo will not deliver back the devil's name, but will say, ` ` Va-t'en.' '

    Literary Blunders Henry Benjamin Wheatley 1877

  • And now he's like to get it to pay, and I'm thinking that's what makes him sae swear to come hame at e'en. ''

    A Legend of Montrose 1871

  • Children of the Mist procured for me, poor helpless creatures as they were, were so unrefreshful to my body, that when enclosed in my armour, whilk I was fain to leave behind me for expedition's sake, I rattled therein like the shrivelled kernel in a nut that hath been kept on to a second Hallow-e'en. ''

    A Legend of Montrose 1871


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