
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun anatomy A modified muscle fibre in the form of a flattened discoid at a neuromuscular junction


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  • Paul di Resta hit my rear wing, or we collided, it damaged my rear wing, half the endplate was gone, and then driving to Eau Rouge someone's rear wing came off and went through my front wing and took the wing mirror off, which was scary.

    BBC News - Home 2011

  • Massa and Hamilton were fighting over fourth place on lap 21 of the 53-lap Japanese Grand Prix when they clashed under braking at the final chicane, with Hamilton's McLaren snapping part of the front wing endplate off Massa's Ferrari. | Top Stories 2011

  • Red Bull the endplate virtually scrapes the track - and then rise again under braking.

    Pitpass - the latest hottest F1 & A1 GP news 2010

  • "I'm not totally sure how I managed to damage the front-wing endplate this afternoon - I may have clipped one of the kerbs, but it was easily fixed and not a problem."

    Pitpass - the latest hottest F1 & A1 GP news 2010

  • Complement activation in myasthenia gravis (MG) may damage muscle endplate and complement regulatory proteins such as decay-accelerating factor (DAF) or CD55 may be protective.

    Naturejobs - All Jobs J M Heckmann 2010

  • If it is acceptable to get the endplates down, then every millimetre represents about a point of downforce, so 25-30mm of vertical lowering of the endplate is about a second, so it's very substantial. Current News 2010

  • Another unique bodywork 'cut out' on the Woking-designed racer can be found in the corner of the rear wing endplate. Latest News 2009

  • Another unique bodywork 'cut out' on the Woking-designed racer can be found in the corner of the rear wing endplate. Latest News 2009

  • Fortunately, the damage was not extensive as the team replaced the broken front wing endplate and nose struts.

    India eNews 2009

  • The aerodynamic updates, feature a new winglet connected to the front wing endplate of the MP4-24 as well as a bubble-like piece - most likely containing electronic components which allow drivers to adjust wing settings from the cockpit this year - courtsey of the new Kinetic Energy Recover System (KERS). 2009


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