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  • Without this European presence and without Castelli's cosmopolitan roots it is possible that one of his artists, Robert Rauschenberg, would not have won the first prize in painting at the V enice Biennale (in 1964), the first American painter to do so.

    Attack of the Hipsters 2010

  • EIGHT Old Westbury/enice Lew Croaker's first sight of Margarite Goldoni DeCamillo was across the long expanse of lawn - still summer-green.

    The Kaisho Lustbader, Eric 1983

  • Watch Attorney General Jerry Brown encouraged unions (LIUNA) to attack Meg Whitman on his behalf, so he could "focus on being th enice guy in this thing (race)." 2010

  • - Thursday, March 19, at 5 p.m. at the Leon County Commission Chambers, 5th floor, Courthouse enice - Wednesday, April 15 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.,

    RenewAmerica 2009


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