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  • SHIMSHON: The post title should say "enicycle" and not "encicycl e" symbiotic: Wow this is going to be a nice job with Linux on it droooooool 3D GPU Cortex Droool Carl Zess Drool Ray: the difference in load time from 5400rpm and 7200rpm is not even noticable.

    Gadgetreview 2009

  • SHIMSHON: The post title should say "enicycle" and not "encicycl e" symbiotic: Wow this is going to be a nice job with Linux on it droooooool 3D GPU Cortex Droool Carl Zess Drool Ray: the difference in load time from 5400rpm and 7200rpm is not even noticable.

    Gadgetreview 2009

  • SHIMSHON: The post title should say "enicycle" and not "encicycl e" symbiotic: Wow this is going to be a nice job with Linux on it droooooool 3D GPU Cortex Droool Carl Zess Drool Ray: the difference in load time from 5400rpm and 7200rpm is not even noticable.

    Gadgetreview 2009

  • SHIMSHON: The post title should say "enicycle" and not "encicycl e" symbiotic: Wow this is going to be a nice job with Linux on it droooooool 3D GPU Cortex Droool Carl Zess Drool Ray: the difference in load time from 5400rpm and 7200rpm is not even noticable.

    Gadgetreview 2009

  • Mark: This seems very similar to something called the enicycle, only this is slower (I read somewhere it'll go ...

    Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility 2009


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