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  • The are proud deniers of global warming, that republican deregulation and lack of government oversight caused this depression, that their war of choice has spilled ouir precious blood, that we should have followed Hoover's choice of "not intervening in the markets" and let the enite banking system collapse and that market solutions will ever provide the working poor health care.

    2012 on the ballot at conservative conference 2009

  • She sits at home probably with her 16 month old son in her lap, goes to her private facebook account, sends out 3 paragraphs and has the enite MSM heads doing an Exorcists Scene.

    Cafferty: Are you interested in Palin's views on health care reform? 2009

  • The scholar answered, My worshipful lord, my genie is not apt nate to that which this flagitious nebulon saith, to excoriate the cut (ic) ule of our vernacular Gallic, but vice-versally I gnave opere, and by veles and rames enite to locupletate it with the Latinicome redundance.

    Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel 2002

  • The scholar answered, My worshipful lord, my genie is not apt nate to that which this flagitious nebulon saith, to excoriate the cut (ic) ule of our vernacular Gallic, but vice-versally I gnave opere, and by veles and rames enite to locupletate it with the Latinicome redundance.

    Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel 2002

  • SO lets just see how much you democrats love the illegals when you get to pay the enite bill for them and they are robbing and raping you and yours.

    Home/News 2010

  • The scholar answered, My worshipful lord, my genie is not apt nate to that which this flagitious nebulon saith, to excoriate the cut (ic) ule of our vernacular Gallic, but vice-versally I gnave opere, and by veles and rames enite to locupletate it with the Latinicome redundance.

    Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 2 Fran��ois Rabelais 1518

  • Quote: and fascination of celebrities is part of our culture nowadays and the media - there is an enite INDUSTRY devoted to it! people like to learn about celebrities 'lives because our own lives aren't nearly as exciting. - Because visibility matters 2009

  • For the enite month of April and get penny appetizers w / purchase of any beverage at the bar No coupon, just more garbage - will go somewhere else. posted by Anonymous - Mar 06, 2009 really bad advertizing.

    DealsPlus: Popular Coupons 2009


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