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  • For not only must the common nature attach to the different things, e.g. not only must both be animals, but this very animality must also be different for each (e.g. in the one case equinity, in the other humanity), and so this common nature is specifically different for each from what it is for the other.

    Metaphysics Aristotle 2002

  • Woman's femininity – and "the eternal feminine" means simply the eternal sexual – is more apparent in proportion to her humanity than the femininity of other animals in proportion to their caninity or felinity or equinity.

    Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution 1898

  • The new purchase looked quiet and demure; but _he_ also pricked up his ears, and gave sundry other tokens of equinity, when the more interesting part of his fellow-creatures came near him.

    Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection Walter Savage Landor 1819

  • And it may be that natural classes or kinds are themselves universals ” it may be that there is such a thing as “the horse” or the species Equus caballus, distinct from its defining attribute “being a horse” or “equinity,” and in some sense

    Metaphysics van Inwagen, Peter 2007


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