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  • PART VII from SEPTEMBER 78 B.C. until JUNE 71 B.C. C.esar had seen no reason to hurry home after he left the service of Publius Servilius Vatia; rather, his journey was a tour of exploration of those parts of Asia Province and Lycia he had not yet visited.

    Fortune's Favorites McCullough, Colleen, 1937- 1993

  • [81] C.esar tells us himself that he employed C. Volusenus to reconnoitre the coast of Britain, sending him forward in a long ship, with orders to return and make his report before the expedition sailed.

    The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 01: Julius Caesar Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus

  • Britain, and this was followed by a second crossing in 54 B.C. On the first occasion C.esar took with him only two legions, and effected little beyond

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" Various

  • But in 54 B.C. Julia, the daughter of C.esar and wife of Pompey, died, and in 53 B.C.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" Various

  • In the year 38 B.C. it suddenly became known at Rome that C. Julius C.esar Octavianus (afterward the Emperor Augustus), one of the triumvirs of the republic, and colleague of Mark Antony and Lepidus in the military dictatorship established after the death of C.esar, had sent up for decision to the pontifical college, the highest religious authority of the state, a curious question.

    The Women of the Caesars Ferrero, Guglielmo, 1871-1942 1911

  • [5] Paucīs ante annīs C. Iūlius C.esar, ducum Rōmānōrum maximus, cōnsul creātus erat et hōc tempore in Galliā bellum grave gerēbat.

    Latin for Beginners Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge 1900

  • After the decisive battle of Pharsalia in 48 B.C. Antipater quickly espoused the cause of C.esar, and performed valuable services for him at a time when the great Roman was threatened by overwhelming forces.

    The Makers and Teachers of Judaism Charles Foster Kent 1896

  • How many a time have we mourned over the dead body of Julius Ca esar, and to be'd and not to be'd, in this very room, for his amusement!

    Mansfield Park 1814

  • In addition to all the standard reporting features of sar, esar can also report network usage (UDP, TCP, NFS, and RPC traffic) and the processor load average. Releases 2008

  • Rome.] [Footnote 81: C.esar tells us himself that he employed C. Volusenus to reconnoitre the coast of Britain, sending him forward in a long ship, with orders to return and make his report before the expedition sailed.] [Footnote 82: Religione; that is, the omens being unfavourable.] [Footnote 83: The standard of the Roman legions was an eagle fixed on the head of a spear.

    De vita Caesarum Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus


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