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  • Castle notes, no sooner was "fantasmagorie" coined as a word for the commercial show than it was adapted to describe the modern condition of mental life bereft of stabilising notions of the real.

    Introduction: Gothic Romance as Visual Technology 2005

  • Gaspard-Etienne Robertson was the impresario who coined the phrase "fantasmagorie", having drawn together the technical inventions of others, including de

    Introduction: Gothic Romance as Visual Technology 2005

  • Phantasmagoria is a singular noun; at least the corresponding French monstrosity, fantasmagorie, is unmistakably singular; and, if used at all in English, it should be so with us too.

    Foreign Words. 1908

  • Christianisme 'et les' Martyrs 'ont puissamment contribué à detérminer, fait dériver les imaginations vers les choses gothiques; volontiers, l'esprit français se retourne alors vers le passé comme vers la seule source de poésie; et voici qu'un étranger vient se faire son guide et fait miroiter, devant tous les yeux éblouis, la fantasmagorie du moyen âge, donjons et créneaux, cuirasses et belles armures, haquenées et palefrois, chevaliers resplendissants et mignonnes et délicates chatelaines ....

    A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century 1886


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