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  • noun Plural form of fir-cone.


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  • The smile still on his lips, he lit a second candle and a third; a fire stood ready built in a chimney, he lit that also; and the fir-cones and the gnarled olive billets were swift to break in flame and to crackle on the hearth, and the room brightened and enlarged about him like his hopes.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • A tree attracted my attention as new, the leaves being like those of an acacia, but the ends of the branches from which they grew resembled closely oblong fir-cones.

    Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa 2004

  • The fir-cones were all consumed already, the fire was a tall pile now of crumbling, shattering fire-roses.

    The Virgin and the Gypsy 2003

  • Here and there rose a stone phallus, and large stags roamed peacefully about, spurning the fallen fir-cones with their cloven hoofs.

    Salammbo 2003

  • The two distinct crowds mingled without blending, one dressed in linen or wool, with felt caps like fir-cones, and the other clad in iron and wearing helmets.

    Salammbo 2003

  • The Budinoi however do not use the same language as the Gelonians, nor is their manner of living the same: 109, for the Budinoi are natives of the soil and a nomad people, and alone of the nations in these parts feed on fir-cones; 670 but the Gelonians are tillers of the ground and feed on corn and have gardens, and resemble them not at all either in appearance or in complexion of skin.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • Beyond this they found a wide gap in the castle wall and stepped through it into a wood of darker and bigger trees where they found dead branches and rotten wood and sticks and dry leaves and fir-cones in plenty.

    Prince Caspian Lewis, C. S. 1951

  • But during the autumn it has gathered large quantities of hazel-nuts, acorns, beech-nuts, and fir-cones, and has stored them away in various holes near its nest.

    Chatterbox, 1905. Various

  • That ring-dove, who was cooing half a mile away, has hushed his moan; that flock of long-tailed titmice, which were twinging and pecking about the fir-cones a few minutes since, are gone: and now there is not even a gnat to quiver in the slant sun-rays.

    MacMillan's Reading Books Book V Anonymous

  • The crossbill is fitted with a wonderful tool for tearing fir-cones to pieces.

    Chatterbox Stories of Natural History Anonymous


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