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  • Be t'ankful, seek him out and buy him CON BF at men kee downtown furong -- where all the men are chairitable, and the women, ah, like the burung, sweet, succulent -- you pick awe the "ass" words in the Dick which are positive, you'll be right!

    desiderata-ylchong 2008

  • Be t'ankful, seek him out and buy him CON BF at men kee downtown furong -- where all the men are chairitable, and the women, ah, like the burung, sweet, succulent -- you pick awe the "ass" words in the Dick which are positive, you'll be right!

    desiderata-ylchong 2008

  • i look towards the beckoning green canopy mount furong looks breathy from afar

    desiderata-ylchong 2009


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