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  • Onstage, though, Kenton seemed far from a wild-eyed avant-gardist; his manner was buttoned down and conservative.

    A Restless Soul Revealed Will Friedwald 2011

  • But, I think I consider your style as avant-gardist because what we have seen nearly thirty or forty years in Moroccan cinemas through out realistic European and American cinema is the same use of slung language of the street.

    Global Voices in English » Morocco: Casa Negra to Represent Morocco at Oscars 2009

  • Even the inventor of the method was an unwitting avant gardist.

    Modernist America by Richard Pells – review 2011

  • Russian avant-gardist Alexander Rodchenko gained an international reputation as a pioneering photographer, painter, sculptor and graphic artist in the years after the Russian revolution.

    Archive 2008-02-01 The Nag 2008

  • Yet he also respects classical music's conservative canon something that must come as a relief to Philharmonic patrons who considered Mr. Salonen an uncompromising avant-gardist.

    Before His U.S. Tour Begins 2010

  • Early in his career, he was a very competent avant-gardist.

    Sacred Songs And DJs: New Classical CDs 2010

  • Early in his career, he was a very competent avant-gardist.

    Sacred Songs And DJs: New Classical CDs 2010

  • Henry Holland said ... when he was still regarded by many in the community as a pretentious avant-gardist who refused to write crowd-pleasers

    The Hills of Tomorrow Matthew Guerrieri 2008

  • Mr. Allen also followed an example set by Miles Davis (not to mention that overlooked avant-gardist, Louis Prima) in that the whole set went by without an interruption of any kind.

    Reviving Sounds and Legends 2010

  • Certainly not an avant-gardist, but nonetheless a modernist for his time, Sargent takes these explorations much further than Vel zquez, whose studio in the royal palace its walls adorned by paintings, a mirror and a door we can visually enter with some ease.

    A Unique Meeting Of Two Masterpieces 2010


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