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  • Il principale lato negativo riguardante il lavoro, al momento, e' che sono ancora dipendente dalla gentilezza altrui per andare e venire.

    A working woman Ra 2008

  • Il principale lato negativo riguardante il lavoro, al momento, e' che sono ancora dipendente dalla gentilezza altrui per andare e venire.

    Archive 2008-11-01 Ra 2008

  • For Guido, the "heavenly" allure of the lady is a deception perpetrated by the senses, all the more dangerous as the lover's gentilezza responds more fully to the attraction of her beauty and subjects itself to the "fierce accident" of passion.

    Dante Alighieri Wetherbee, Winthrop 2006

  • You will find that he will always use the same _gentilezza_ to you.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860 Various

  • French Italian chroniclers alike own the fascination of his handsome presence and extol the _gentilezza_ of this very perfect knight.

    Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 Julia Mary Cartwright Ady 1887

  • [255] "Raffaello, che era la gentilezza stessa ... restavano vinti dalla cortesia e dall 'arte sua, ma più dal genio della sua buona natura; la quale era si piena di gentilezza e si colma di carità, che egli si vedeva che fino agli animali l'onoravano, non che gli uomini."

    Renaissance in Italy Volume 3 The Fine Arts John Addington Symonds 1866

  • {21} This old French and Anglo-Norman word, answering to the Italian gentilezza, and signifying the possession of every species of refinement, has been retained as supplying a want which there is no modern word to fill up.

    Playful Poems Henry Morley 1858

  • He has since focused on modernising the administration by digitisation, and is preparing for the (possibly superhuman) task of introducing Italian bureaucrats to gentilezza and cortesia.

    The Economist: Correspondent's diary 2010

  • Prometto questo: ricorderemo la vostra gentilezza quando siamo negli Stati Uniti. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2010

  • Knock at any of these villa-gates, and, if you happen to have the acquaintance of the owner, or are evidently a stranger of respectability, you will be received with much hospitality, invited to partake of the fruit and wine, and overwhelmed with thanks for your _gentilezza_ when you take your leave; for the Italians are a most good-natured and social people, and nothing pleases them better than a stranger who breaks the common round of topics by accounts of his own land.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860 Various


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