
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Pertaining to the buttocks and the thigh.


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  • ( "gluteofemoral") fat, to find out why it is better than fat stored around the middle.

    Diet Blog 2010

  • ( "gluteofemoral") fat, to find out why it is better than fat stored around the middle.

    Diet Blog 2010

  • This protective effect may be in part due to the fact that gluteofemoral fat can absorb and store excess fatty-acids, thereby removing them from the circulation.

    Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Big Butts and Thighs Equals Lower Risk? 2010

  • In addition, leptin and adiponectin levels tend to be positively associated with gluteofemoral fat while the level of inflammatory cytokines is negatively associated.

    Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Big Butts and Thighs Equals Lower Risk? 2010

  • YOHIMBE was the final component integrated into the stack because of its ability to activate the powerful liposucking alpha-receptors, strategically located in the gluteofemoral (butt and thighs) region of the body.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34; 2010

  • Typically, the "spare tire" of fat around the tummy can accumulate more easily than hind-quarters (gluteofemoral) fat, but as dieters know, it can also be metabolized away more quickly than fat around the bottom.

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • Does loss of gluteofemoral fat through diet and exercise deteriorate metabolic health

    Naturejobs - All Jobs P M Janiszewski 2010

  • "It is the protective role of lower body, that is, gluteofemoral fat that is striking," wrote a team of British researchers in the Jan. 12 online edition of the

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • YOHIMBE was the final component integrated into the stack because of its ability to activate the powerful liposucking alpha-receptors, strategically located in the gluteofemoral (butt and thighs) region of the body.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34;Weight Loss 2010

  • YOHIMBE was the final component integrated into the stack because of its ability to activate the powerful liposucking alpha-receptors, strategically located in the gluteofemoral (butt and thighs) region of the body.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34;Weight Loss 2010


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