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  • One author says: "... _impossibile a guardare quel goffo e disgraziato San Lodovico senza sentire una stretta al cuore_."

    Donatello, by Lord Balcarres David Lindsay Crawford 1905

  • Thereupon Titian left the stupid (goffo) Gentile, and found means to attach himself to Giovanni Bellini; but not perfectly pleased with his manner, he chose Giorgio da Castel Franco.

    Giorgione Cook, Herbert 1904

  • He called Perugino _goffo_, told Francia's son that his father made handsomer men by night than by day, and cast in

    Renaissance in Italy Volume 3 The Fine Arts John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Perugino, that he was _goffo_, a fool in art, and his rude speech to

    Renaissance in Italy Volume 3 The Fine Arts John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Francia is a child compared to Perugino; but a finished working-goldsmith and ornamental painter nevertheless; and one of the very last men to be called 'goffo,' except by unparalleled insolence.

    Ariadne Florentina Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving John Ruskin 1859


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