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  • It is a mistake to think that organ-grinders earn their living in the street; nine-tenths of their money is taken in coffee-shops and pubs — only the cheap pubs, for they are not allowed into the good-class ones.

    Down and Out in Paris and London 2004

  • 'I don't see why people like Carlotta should be allowed to come to a good-class school like this, do you, Pam?

    Summer Term At St Clare's Blyton, Enid, 1898?-1968 1967

  • From my experience of radio in Ireland and in other countries-because I made it my job to study the details of broadcasting in other countries and the public reactions - I am convinced of the ready response the listening public is prepared to give to good-class entertainment.

    The Irish Mind 1957

  • Fig. 263 is the hook joint used on good-class joinery and cabinet work.

    Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used. William Fairham

  • I had heard of these well-dressed, good-class swindlers in hotels before, and immediately I thought of my jewels.

    The Slave of Silence

  • It is a mistake to think that organ-grinders earn their living in the street; nine-tenths of their money is taken in coffee-shops and pubsonly the cheap pubs, for they are not allowed into the good-class ones.

    Down and Out in Paris and London 1933

  • I thought that perhaps it would be better to get a good-class racket in London and content myself for the present with economising on one of these second-hand monuments of depression.

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton Maisie Ward 1932

  • My good-class customers are not going to buy their boots from a man who's stood up in open court and had to acknowledge he was overcome at 12 o'clock in the morning.

    Hobson's Choice Harold Brighouse 1920

  • It's the good-class trade that pays, and Hobson's have lost it.

    Hobson's Choice Harold Brighouse 1920

  • I suppose if one fact has been hammered into us in the past two decades more than any other it is this: that the supply of children is falling off in the modern State; that births, and particularly good-quality births, are not abundant enough; that the birth-rate, and particularly the good-class birth-rate, falls steadily below the needs of our future.

    An Englishman Looks at the World 1906


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