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  • noun Plural form of grakle.


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  • The males of these yellow-headed grakles are really handsome, their orange and yellow heads contrasting finely with the black of the rest of their plumage; but their voices are discordant to a degree.

    The Home Range 1896

  • These rusty grakles are northern birds; the common black-bird, occasionally seen here in small parties, comes from the south.

    Rural Hours 1887

  • – A flock of the rusty black-bird or grakles about the village; they have been roving to and fro several days.

    Rural Hours 1887

  • Overhead, flocks of dark-winged grakles swooped across the lowering sky, uttering from time to time their harsh, foreboding cry; shoreward, as far as the eye could see, the sand stretched in interminable yellow ridges, blackened here and there by tufts of dead palmetto-trees; while on the other side the sea had wrapped itself in a threatening silence and darkness.

    Stories of Childhood Various 1885

  • New Guinea crows, or birds of paradise; and here, too, are the curious grakles -- the foetid and the bare-necked from South America; and the

    How to See the British Museum in Four Visits W. Blanchard Jerrold 1855

  • Here are the rose-coloured thrushes of Europe; the grakles of Malabar, India, South Africa, and South America; and the stares of

    How to See the British Museum in Four Visits W. Blanchard Jerrold 1855

  • Australia, Asia, and Africa, which include the ingenious and tasteful satin bower birds, that form decorated bowers of twigs and shells to sport in; and here amid the grakles of the Indian Archipelago will be found those curious birds, that gather their sustenance from insect larvas which secrete in the coarse skin of the rhinoceros: these birds are known under the name of African beef-eaters.

    How to See the British Museum in Four Visits W. Blanchard Jerrold 1855

  • Other birds, as the purple grakles, often build among the sticks of the osprey's nest, and rear their young without being meddled with by this generous bird.

    Popular Adventure Tales Mayne Reid 1850

  • Other birds, as the purple grakles, often build among the sticks of the osprey's nest, and rear their young without being meddled with by this generous bird.

    The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North Mayne Reid 1850


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