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  • It is worth noting that in Greek graphein means “to write” or “to paint”

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas JOHN GRAHAM 1968

  • The word ‘photography’ was coined by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839 (though it had been coined seperately by Hercules Florence in 1834!) and is actually is derived from two Greek words: ‘photos’ meaning light and ‘graphein’ meaning draw.

    Ada Lovelace Day 2010: Lee Miller in focus « Innovation Cloud 2010

  • The word ‘photography’ was coined by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839 (though it had been coined seperately by Hercules Florence in 1834!) and is actually is derived from two Greek words: ‘photos’ meaning light and ‘graphein’ meaning draw.

    March « 2010 « Innovation Cloud 2010

  • Graphite was named from the Greek verb graphein meaning to write because it was used in the manufacture of pencils.

    Graphite 2008

  • "Program", according to dictionary. com, comes to us from the "Late Latin programma, public notice, from Greek programma, programmat -, from prographein, to write publicly: pro -, forth; see pro-2 + graphein, to write; see gerbh - in Indo-European Roots."

    Gender of Spanish Words 2005

  • _Epigram_ (from the Greek _epi_, upon, and _graphein_, to write), originally meant an inscription on a monument, hence it came to signify any pointed expression.

    How to Speak and Write Correctly Joseph Devlin

  • It is formed from two Greek words, "bios," meaning life, and "graphein," meaning to write: life-writing.

    American Men of Action Burton Egbert Stevenson 1917

  • As the verb graphein was thus employed to denote passages of the sacred writings, so the corresponding noun he graphe gradually came to signify what is pre-eminently the writing, or the inspired writing.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock 1840-1916 1913

  • "On Ancient Medicine" should be noted in this connection: 'Okosoi epecheiresan peri ietrikes legein he graphein, K.T. L. (Plummer, 4).

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy 1840-1916 1913

  • It is formed from two Greek words, “bios,” meaning life, and “graphein,” meaning to write: life-writing.

    American Men of Action Stevenson, Burton E 1913


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