
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In Australia, a tree of the lily family, Kingia australis, resembling species of Xanthorrhœa.
  • noun In Tasmania, either of two trees of the family Epacridaceæ, Cystanthe dracophylla and C. pandanifolia, the latter usually called giant grass-tree, and ofteu raising its long, slender, naked stems, which bear one or several huge crowns of long waving leaves, far above the surrounding vegetation.
  • noun In New Zealand: A tree of the family Araliaceæ, Pseudopanax crassifolius, with very variable leaves, those of the young plants being from one to three feet long and but half an inch wide. It is then usually called umbrella-tree, from the way in which the rib-like leaves stand out.
  • noun A name formerly given to the ti, Tætsia australis.
  • noun An Australian plant of the juncaceous genus Xanthorrhœa, having a stout trunk-like caudex bearing a tuft of long, grass-like, wiry foliage, and a tall flower-stalk with a dense cylindrical spike of small flowers. They abound in a resin known as blackboy gum or acaroid gum. Also called blackboy or blackboy-tree.


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